Content Writing Resume Writing

Professional Resume Writing Services in India: Review of Content Writing Services


Are you someone who finds some best tips over the internet and starts writing a resume? But mind you, what works for others might not always work for you! Those tips might be helpful to them but not you. So how do you create the best professional resume for yourself?

By hiring, a professional resume writing agency! As simple as that! Well, you might have a few questions on how the agency will help you better than those tips. We understand your concern. And so here we list 5 reasons why hiring a resume writing agency can help and the list of best agencies that you can hire today!

What is a Resume?

A resume is a document that summarizes your qualifications for a job. It should be formatted so that it is easy to read, and it should contain all the information about you that might be relevant to the employer.

5 Reasons to Hire a professional Resume Writing Agency:

  1. Do you want to be unique and stand out from other applicants? A professional resume writing service can provide you with more than just a resume. They will work with you to create the perfect resume that emphasizes everything that makes you unique and marketable. Resume writers also know how to create an effective summary section that will get the attention of potential employers.
  2. Do you want a resume that’s only meant for you? Professional resume writers have a lot of experience in the field and know what it takes to make your resume stand out. They go through your work history and find out what you did well and what you might want to improve on. They also consider the type of job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a sales job, they will highlight your sales skills. A customized resume has a high chance of being seen than a generic one.
  3. Do you love job-specific resume designs: You should also design your resume in a way that catches the eye of an employer and makes it easy for them to see that you’re the perfect person for their job opening. A professional resume writing service has unique and appropriate designs that help you match different industry standards.
  4. Do you wish to have an elegant resume? Since resume writers are professional writers. Your resume will look elegant and standard while emphasizing your strengths and accomplishments in an elegant manner.
  5. A resume that passes the ATS system: Many recruiters use the ATS system to scan the resumes and find the target candidate. And in such a case, you need to include the keywords and phrases that an ATS system would look for. In such a situation, hiring a resume writer will help you have the relevant keywords and phrases that can help you stand as a target candidate. 

Ingredients of a compelling Resume:

To make your resume more compelling, you need to make sure that it includes:

  • A very detailed summary of your skills and experience
  • A list of past employers and positions
  • Your academic background
  • Activities outside of work
  • Add a personal touch by including a photo.
  • Focus on accomplishments, not responsibilities.

The Top Resume Writing Services in India

Professional resume writing services are an essential part of the job market these days. Everyone needs a professional resume to stand out and have a better chance at getting their dream job. There are many different resume writing services available, but not all of them can provide the quality you need to make a good impression. 

A professional resume writing service will have qualified and experienced writers who will know how to write your resume in such a way that it stands out from the rest. They will also be able to present your skills and experience in the best way possible to get noticed by employers. 

There are many professional resume writing services out there, and the best ones are listed below:


The five-star rated resume company uses an in-house developed system to craft resumes that sell by immersing recruiters in the success story of the applicant. Get a resume tailored to your specific requirements and made with care by a professional writer. Taletel has a wide range of certified writers in the fields they specialize in. This means that they have the practical experience and the required knowledge to help you land the new job you deserve. They offer a variety of resume writing services, so no matter what industry you’re interested in, Taletel is here to help you land that dream job with their creative and professional writing abilities!

Write Right

Write Right offers professional resume writing services with our skillful and experienced writers who can create a perfect CV to grab the attention of prospective employers. Write Right highlights all your professional skills and your achievements and makes you stand as a unique candidate. They are highly experienced in creating resumes with a perfect balance of content and style to help you get the jobs you deserve. Their process begins with talking to you and understanding your needs and expectations. They curate all the information and bring out what’s best for you!


The streamlining of delivery and submission within the deadline is a quality of the Bloggism agency. Besides resume writing, it is also popular as a top-rated content writing service. It offers all sorts of content as they are demanded by the industry. Bloggism understands how vital a good resume is, which is why they also provide proofreading and editing services that can be delivered instantly. When you come to Bloggism for your CV writing needs, you’ll know that it’s done right.


The agency with the best customer service ever! Be in the thousandth edit; they are ready to do it. Estorytellers make sure you are delighted with your resume. Their work is worth every penny you spend. They are specialists in the making of resumes that are well-designed and ATS-compliant. However, they also offer further services such as content and career advice, job profiling, or editing of pre-existing CVs. They put a lot of emphasis on ensuring that clients are fully satisfied. As a result, they can promise premium quality at the lowest possible price.

Kalam Kagaz

Kalamkagaz has a group of professionals who are constantly on top of the latest trends in their industry. Their priority is making sure that your projects are completed to the highest possible standard, which they feel they’ve accomplished with their creative CV design packages. Regarding resumes, it’s critical to represent yourself in the best possible way and get across your skills & accomplishments. But Kalam Kagaz can do it all for you. They respect deadlines and deliver quality.

Which one are you planning to choose?